To have a thriving community where all children enjoy their basic needs, Rights, and have access to quality inclusive education.
To support vulnerable children to enjoy their basic needs and the right protection by helping them to fulfill their potential.

Our Objectives
Promoting inclusive education and Engagement of parents in child education.
Youth and women empowerment with capacity building.
Connecting children with parenting services providers.
Family and Children’s Rights Promotion.
Peacebuilding in families.
Improve the livelihood
Empower teachers to provide communication skills to the children in Kinyarwanda, English, and Kiswahili
School Reintegration of children and youth who dropped out through the Back-to School Campaign.
Providing school materials to vulnerable children through school materials, school fees, school uniforms, and other school needs.
Community Library promotion TVET Promotion

To support vulnerable children to enjoy their basic needs and the right protection by helping
them to fulfill their potential

FMI Ubumuntu

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